All posts by Mirnaib Həsənoglu
“Bu bizik” photo contest
Our school, our class… The school, the class, our classmates we see every day – all these unforgettable memories can now be put into an evergreen album!Let’s make our incredible memories live forever in photographs! The topics of the “Bu bizik” photo…
Əsərləri Amerikanı ovsunlayan yeganə azərbaycanlı: "Hər gün Abşeronun..."
Zümrüd Kərimova,
Foto: Səfiyar Məcnun
[gallery type=”rectangular” …
İnsanların həyatını məhv edən fotonun qorxunc hekayəsi
İslamin Sesi ,
fotojurnalist Eddi Adamsın Vyetnamda sürən xaosda çəkdiyi bu foto ona dünya şöhrəti gətirdi. Lakin bu şöhrətlə yanaşı bu foto ona ömürlük vicdan əzabını da bəxş etdi. Fotoda tapançadan açılan atəş və güllənin həmin insanın kəlləsi…
Meet the Artist
You kindly invited to attend our next Meet the Artist event that will take place on January 31.
This time we are fortunate to host a talk by Mirnaib Hasanoglu the Head of the Azerbaijan Photographer’s Union.
Meet the artist is a project that puts e…
Photo Video Asia
Photo Video Asia
August 17 | 18 | 19, 2018, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India.
Photo Video Asia is poised to be, the leading b2b platform for photography and videography industry in India, It will provide a profound networking environm…
I present to you photos taken by me on the Alley "Shehidler Khiyabani" Babek Hasanov
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="7470,7471,7472,7473,7474,7475,7476,7477,7478,7479,7480,7481,7482,7483,7484,7485,7486,7487,7488,7489,7490,7491,7492"]…
The Ninth International Student Photo Contest "Garyacha Kryga" ("Hot Ice")
The aim of the Contest is to develop and implement creative potential of students-photo designers that by the means of photography are trying to show the beauty of nature and people, object, flora and fauna worlds, to express their attitude to contem…
Masterclass on photography by Mr. Ambassador Onno Kervers
From December 11, 2017 in the Rotundal Hall of The Landmark Hotel and Business Center will be held a photo-exhibition “Defining moments” of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Azerbaijan Onno Kervers. At the photo-exhibition, which will b…
Gymnastics competitions are over.
On November 23-26, the National Gymnastics Arena hosted four more …
Karabakh- Chelsea
On November 22, 2017 next game of the Champions League was held betw…
“Photo days of Azerbaijan”
On 26 November 2017, at 18.00 the International photo exhibition Photodays of Azerbaijan will be opened in the exhibition hall of the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia.
Association of Photographers of Georgia
More than 120 photoworks of Aze…
2nd International Photo Salon “Georgian Drag – 2017”
2nd International Salon of Art Photo «Carpathian Photovernissage 2017»
1st International Salon of Art Photo “Azerbaijan – 2017”
DokuBaku International Documentary Film Festival
DokuBaku festival is the first international documentary film festival to be held in Azerbaijan on 12-20 of October. The theme of this year’s festival is “Testing the Reality”
The festival consists of main and competition programs. In the framewor…
“Məni çağrırsan Azərbaycan” foto sərgisi keçiriləcək.
13 oktyabr 2017-ci ildə Bakıda “NUR ART House” qalereyasında “Məni çağrırsan Azərbaycan” foto sərgisi keçiriləcək.Sərgi Rusiya foto rəsamlar itifaqının …
Application Deadline: 20.08.2017
The Transcultural Art Lab 2017 is a continuation of the very successful TAL 2016 which was entitled “Intercultural Competence through Hands on Experience”. Funded …
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