Next summer 2017 the Cultural Centre Palethe in Overpelt (Belgium) will organize the first edition of a two-yearly international photo festival ‘Lens op de mens’ (Spotlight on people). The Belgian association of professional photographers Nationale Vereniging van Beroepsfotografen is an official partner of this event. All professional and keen amateur photographers from around the world are welcome in Overpelt to show their most photogenic work to a large public. For this 2017 edition the subject is the human portrait and the President of the International Jury will be FEP Board Member Johan Brouwers, QEP.

An international jury of professional photographers will select the photos. You can enter up until midnight 9th of January 2017.
The FEP and the NVB are happy to invite all of you to participate at this exhibition. There are some awards up for grabs. If your photos are selected for the festival, you are automatically entered to win one of these awards. So, who knows? Maybe your photos will be exhibited in the streets of Overpelt for a whole summer next year!

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