1.1. “Photographers of Azerbaijan” Public Union (hereinafter referred to as “Union”) is a non-governmental organization which is formed on the basis of mutual interests, voluntary principle and legal equality of all members. Receiving of profit is not a primary aim of the Union and it doesn’t distribute its profit among the members of the Union. The activity of the Union covers the whole territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
1.2. The Union operates on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On non-government organizations (public Unions and foundations)”, the other regulatory legal acts and current Regulations.
1.3. The Unionpassed the state registration #1073 in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 20.11.1998.
1.4. The address of the Union: Baku city, Dilare Aliyeva 156 11 A
2.1. The main objective of the Union is to contribute to the development of photo-art in our country
2.2. The Union fulfils the following tasks to accomplish its objectives:
• rendering assistancein further improvement of the creativity of photographers:
• rendering assistance in training of professional photographers:
• study and application of international experience in our country for further development of this sphere.
2.3. For accomplishing the objectives, provided by the Regulations, the Union:
• arranges all possible courses and seminars, round-table conferences and meetings, exhibitions, holds conferences, charity marathons and the other cultural events
• spreads freely information about its objective and activity, establishes printed publication in a manner conforming to the legislation;
• cooperates with corresponding state, municipal authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan and international organizations.
2.4. The Union provides the maintenance of the register of the members of the organization within thirty days after passing the state registration.
2.5. The Union cannot participate in the elections of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, of the members of Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan and municipal elections.
3.1. The Union has the following rights:
• To conclude a deal on behalf of itself, purchase property and personal non-property rights, fulfill tasks, appear in court a plaintiff or defendant;
• To spread freely information about its activity;
• Establish its branches and representations in the Republic of Azerbaijan and outside the country;
• To use the other rights as provided for in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
4.1. The properties of the Union can include houses, devices, apartments, equipments, inventory, monetary assets, stocks and the other securities as well as statute-allowed types of property for financial activity, provided by this Regulations.
4.2. According to its obligations the Union bears responsibility for its property. This property can be alienated only in accordance with laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
4.3. The following are sources of formation of the property of the Union in monetary and other forms:
• regular or lump-sum membership fees of the founders or members of the Union;
• property contributions and donations, voluntarily provided by boards, entities, local and international organizations and citizens;
• dividends, profit from shares, bonds and the other securities and savings;
• profit from use and sale of own property;
• grants;
• profit from exhibitions, concerts and other events;
• profit from the activity of entities, founded by the Union;
• other statute-allowed proceeds.
4.4. The members of the Union have no special rights on separate objects, which are included to its property.
4.5. The Union has the right to own and manage its property in accordance with the objectives of its activity and nature of the property in a manner as provided for in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
4.6. The allocatedfunds entered to the account of Union cannot be spent on the other objectives.
4.7. The Union cannot furnish financial and the other material assistances to the political parties.
4.8. The Union draws up financial, statistical and other reports in a manner prescribed by the laws and presents them to the state authorities.
5.1. Founders of the Union can be juridical persons (excluding the representatives of state power and bodies of local self-government) or physical persons who reached the age of 18.
5.2. Founders of the Union have the equal rights. Interrelations, rights and tasks of the founders are defined by the legislation or the contract, signed by the founders, or by the current Regulations.
5.3. Every juridical or physical person (excluding the representatives of state power and bodies of local self-government) can be a member of the Union in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Founders of the Union are also considered as members of the Union.
5.4. The admission of members is implemented by the Board of Directors of the Union.
5.5. In order to be admitted to the Union the applicant has to submit to the Board of Directors of the Union in written form. The application is examined during a month. If half of the members of the Board of Directors give positive reply to this matter during the voting, then the applicant becomes the member of the Union.
5.6. The members of the Union have the equal rights and have the following rights:
• to take part in the administration of the organization in a manner provided by current Regulations and the other documents;
• to be elected to any position in the Union, as well as to be represented in the governing body;
• to participate in the activity of the Union as well as the events, organized by the Union;
• to obtain information, to control the activity of the governing bodies of the Union;
• to address the Union in order to obtain assistance in protecting of own interests
• to participate personally in the discussions of any matters in connection with his rights and tasks, to voice protest in connection with the corresponding bodies of the Union, to lay a complain;
5.7. Only in the presence of required authority on the part of the corresponding bodies of the Union the members of the Union can represent the given body or make an announcement on behalf of this body;
5.8. The following are tasks of the members of the Union:
• to observe the Regulations of the Union
• to implement the decisions of the elective bodies of the Union;
• to participate in the events of the Union;
• Amount of membership fees of the Union are determined by the Board of the Directors.
5.9. The membership in the Union can be canceled in the following cases:
• Voluntary withdrawal from membership of the Union:
• Exclusion from a list of members of the Union.
5.10. The member of the Union is excluded from the membership of the organization in the following cases:
• If the member committed acts discrediting the Union;
• If the member regularly eludes participation in the work of the Union;
• If the member commits acts contrary to the objectives of the Regulations.
5.11. Exclusion from the membership, foundation can be implemented by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Union.
5.12. The member of the Union have a right to lodge a complaint about this decision to supreme governing body of the Union and a court.
6.1. The supreme body of the Union is a General Assembly that is convened at least once a year.
6.2. General Assembly is convened at the initiative of executive body, one of the founders or one-third of the members of the Union.
6.3. The founders and the members of the Union must be informed about the date and the place of the assembly two weeks prior to the meeting.
6.4. The General Assembly has the following authority:
• Adoption and alteration of the Regulations of the Union
• Formation of the property of the Union and determination of principles of its usage;
• Formation of executive bodies and other structures of the Union and the early termination of their authority;
• Approval of annual report;
• Participation in other organizations;
• Reorganization and abolishment of the Union
6.5. The General Assembly can be considered authorized only with the participation of more than half of the members of the Union;
6.6. Decisions in connection with the issues discussed at the General Assembly are adopted by majority of votes in an ordinary voting. Each member of the Union has one vote. 2/3 of votes are needed to adopt the decision on making annexes and amendments to the Regulations and reorganization or abolishment of the structure.
6.7. The activity of the Union is carried out by the Board of Directors of the current administration.
6.8. The executive body is the Board of Directors, consisting of a chairman of the Union, his deputies and other persons.
6.9. The Boards of Directors which is collegial executive body has the following authority:
• Admits to, or excludes from, the membership of the Union;
• Puts forward proposals and projects:
• Establishes branches and opens representations of the Union;
• Solves all issues that don’t fall under competence of the other executive bodies of the Union
6.10. Is considered authorized only with the participation of more than half of members of the Board of the Directors and decisions are adopted by majority of votes in an ordinary voting.
6.11. The chairman of the Board of Directors, his deputies and the other members are elected by the General Assembly of the Union for a term of 2 (two) years.
6.12. The chairman:
• Represents the Union, signs contracts on its behalf, gives a power of attorney, arranges the implementation of decisions of the Assembly and the Board of Directors;
• Performs the other functions, which were granted to him by the General Assembly and the Regulations.
6.13. The Control and Revision commission of the Union carries out control in connection with the correspondence of the activity of functionary and members of the Union with the Regulations, as well as controls the financial activity of the Union. The number of members of Control and Revision commission is determined by the General Assembly. Term of office of Control and Revision commission is 2 years.
The decisions of Control and Revision commission are adopted by majority of votes.
6.14. Control and Revision commission must consider, and reply to, all appeals from the bodies and members of the Union during one month.
7.1. The abolishment of Union’s activity can be implemented through its reorganization (combination, joining, divestment, dissolution, reformation) and closure. The abolishment of Union’s activity is implemented in a manner required by the current legislation
7.2. The commission on abolishment is established according to the decision on the abolishment of the activity of the Union. Hereafter all powers in connection with the administration of the Union are transferred to this Commission. The Commission draws up the balance of the abolishment. At the moment of the abolishment of the Union, the property that remained after the budgetary calculations and discharge of claims of the creditors is directed to charter purposes in a manner required by the legislation. If it is not possible, the property is directed to the state budget. The abolishment of the Union is carried out according to the Civil code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the other legislative acts.
8.1. The issues that are not provided by this Regulations, are regulated by the legislation.
8.2. The items of the legislation will be used if the items of this Regulation contradict to the legislation in future.
8.3. The fiscal year of the Union begins from the date of its registration and ends on December 31 next year. The next fiscal years starts on January 1and ends on December 31.